How to Have an ADC Experience

by Bill Guggenheim

Audio of Elisabeth's ADC guide:

Text of Elisabeth's ADC guide [The webpage is NOT SECURE and might not show up in a browser ??]

[quote]How to Have an ADC Experience

by Bill Guggenheim

The following quote is from an interview with Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross by John Harricharan that appeared in Body, Mind & Spirit magazine in the September/October, 1989 issue:

Interviewer: "Can we communicate with loved ones who have gone on?"

Elisabeth: "Yes, if you are ready and if you are at a high enough spiritual level. It can be done through dreams and also through other methods. I always tell bereaved parents, after they have given up their heaviness and resentment, to say, 'I really need to see you in my dreams. I need to know that you're okay.' If there is a lot of sadness and anger, the one who has gone on cannot come through. But if the conditions are right and there is enough faith, the contact will occur."

Judy and I believe the key word is "ask." Ask God, Jesus, Mary, your Higher Power, the universe, your deceased loved one – whomever or whatever you believe in – to have him or her come to visit you when you are sleeping. Ask sincerely, from your heart, in a quiet prayer.

When you're in bed, just as you're falling asleep, visualize or imagine your deceased family member or friend. See him or her as healed and whole. See or imagine his or her face, smiling and filled with love for you. Say, "I love you!" and put a smile on your face. Then ask that loved one to come to you, to visit you, while you are sleeping.

After-Death Communication experiences (ADCs) during sleep are much more vivid, intense, colorful, and real than ordinary dreams. They are very common. Both one-way and two-way communications, by telepathy, are typical. You usually feel your deceased loved one is with you in person – that you're having an actual visit together. You may even hug and kiss each other! These experiences are not jumbled, filled with symbols, or fragmented as dreams are.

Sleep-state ADCs are similar to those that occur when you are wide awake. However, your loved one who has died can come to you more easily when you are relaxed, open, and receptive – while you are in a meditative state or asleep.

According to our research, the purpose of these visits by deceased loved ones is to offer comfort, reassurance, and hope to their family members and friends. They want you to know they are still alive, that they are healed and whole, that they are happy in their new life, and that you'll have reunion with them when it's your time to leave this physical life on Earth. In fact, they'll be there to greet you when you make your own transition!

Your deceased loved ones are being loved and cared for by spiritual guardians and teachers. They will be learning and growing in heaven, and they want you to go on with your life and do the same here. Remember, the purpose of physical life is to learn how to love everyone unconditionally, including yourself. And to serve all other people with loving kindness.

You may also ask that a "sign" to be given to you when you are awake, to let you know that your deceased loved one still exists. Ask whoever or whatever you believe in. If you are patient, and if you are observant, you will receive one or more signs. The most common ones are butterflies and rainbows. Others include birds, animals, flowers, and a large variety of inanimate objects – such as finding a series of coins or whatever item you associate with your deceased relative or friend.

You can learn how to meditate, as this will increase your sensitivity and awareness. Many bereaved people are contacted by their deceased loved ones during meditation – you may see him or her in your mind's eye and even have a two-way conversation!

Meditation will teach you how to relax, and soften any fear and anger you may have. It will also reduce your stress and depression, improve your ability to eat and sleep, and facilitate your healing process. It's a wonderful way to nurture yourself, especially when you are grieving.

Dream researchers have learned that we dream every ninety minutes, all night long. So there is plenty of material to record. Yet many bereaved people state they cannot recall their ordinary dreams. So we suggest the following:

Keep a note pad and pen next to your bed. As soon as you awaken, immediately write down anything you remember about your last dream, even if it's only a couple of sentences or a few words. The more you train your mind to do this, the more you will recall, and the more information you'll be able to write down. In a little while, you'll be surprised how much you remember!

Here's an even easier way. Keep a little portable cassette player next to your bed – they cost $15-$25. Buy an inexpensive external microphone for it, one that has an "on-off switch." These cost about $10-$15 at stores like Radio Shack. Set the cassette player in the "record" position, but place the slide switch on the microphone in the "off" position. When you awaken from a dream, hold the microphone, slide the switch to the "on" position, and start recording whatever impressions you have about your last dream. Keep your eyes closed, don't turn on the light, and, if you're married, talk softly so you don't wake up your husband or wife. Again, you'll be surprised how many details you'll be able to recall from your last dream.

Another use for a portable cassette player is that it can be a "substitute friend" if there is no one else available to share your feelings with at a particular time – when it's 3:00 a.m. and you really need to express your emotions. Just talk into the microphone – it's like talking on a telephone – and say anything and everything you are feeling – even things you may be ashamed to say to another person. You can speak all your feelings and thoughts onto a tape – and the tape will be a perfect listener, one who offers no criticism, no judgments, no advice, etc. In fact, you can cry, scream, swear, and say anything you want, without anyone knowing about it. Then you can play the tape back later if you wish, or you can erase it, or you can tape over it again and again in the future. It's an easy, inexpensive, and effective way to release your worst pain and deepest grief in privacy and safety.

And if you listen to yourself as you talk, you may even gain some insights about what's really going on with you – and perhaps understand things in a different way than before.

This technique is not meant to be a replacement for sharing your feelings with a warm, compassionate, loving human being. Unfortunately, a cassette player cannot hold you, cry with you, or give you that big warm loving hug you really need. That's what compassionate family members, friends, and bereavement support groups are for.[/quote]

Jan 5, 2021  Life, Death and the Space Between

Bill Guggenheim is a pioneer in the field of After-Death Communication (ADC) experiences.  He is considered to be the "father of ADC research" and has written and spoken on this subject for more than 30 years.   He became a bereaved father when his younger daughter, Jaenet, age 47, ended her physical life in April 2011.

Bill and his former wife, Judy Guggenheim, founded, defined, researched, and named an entire new field of human experience that may be as old as mankind.  They call it "After Death Communication" and published their findings in their bestselling book, Hello From Heaven!  Bill and Judy conservatively estimate that at least 60 million Americans, or 1 out of 5 people, have had an ADC's though the actual numbers may be closer to double these figures.

In this episode...

- We define After Death Communication (ADC’s)

- How ADC’S differ from medium work? 

- Different types of (ADC’s)

- How to differentiate (ADC’s) from dreams?

- How long after someone dies can you have an ADC?

FOLLOW Bill Guggenheim


FOLLOW Dr. Amy Robbins 

Types of ADCs

ADCs have been categorized into 12 different types of experiences.  

Please click on the categories to read Sample ADC Stories.

at seven minutes in the video: '...we estimate that 60 million Americans have had an ADC as 20% of the population that's the first conservative number other polls indicate it's double that about 125 million Americans have had one or more which is still less than 50% of over 300 million people and we did interview people in all 50 states and all 10 Canadian provinces...'

The After-Death Communication Course -- Bill and Christopher Guggenheim, 2016 IANDS Conference

This will be a 60-minute oral presentation of our new work, “The After-Death Communication Course.” This will include a definition of after-death communication (ADC) experiences, and a brief overview of our book, Hello From Heaven! which founded the field of ADC research in 1995. In addition, we will describe our new work, “The ADC Course,” which prepares people and trains them how to have ADC experiences with their loved ones who have died. We’ll be happy to answer all questions from the audience.

Visit their web site:

Sadly, Bill Guggenheim has left this world for the next at age 84. He died suddenly and unexpectedly of natural causes on May 20, 2023 at his long-time home in Longwood, Florida. Bill would not want us to grieve his loss, but rather celebrate his exceptional life and joyous transition into the realm of spirit. For those of us who knew him and loved him, this task is much easier said than done. Not to grieve the death of one so very special who gave so much to so many, often anonymously, asking nothing in return, is nearly an impossible challenge.

Bill was a pioneer in the field of After-Death Communication, also known as ADC experiences. He is considered by many to be the “father of ADC research” based on his ground-breaking “ADC Project” from 1988-2006 in which he and his ex-wife Judy collected over 3,300 firsthand ADC accounts and interviewed over 2,000 people in the U.S. and Canada.

The ADC Project resulted in a best-selling book entitled “Hello From Heaven” published in 2006 by Bantam featuring an in-depth study of 353 ADC cases. Now critically regarded as classic work, “Hello From Heaven” has helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world to heal their grief over the loss of a loved one. Generously, Bill made it a practice to send out copies of his book free of charge to newly bereaved individuals, especially parents who had lost young children.

A native of Long Island, New York City, and New Jersey, Bill did not always embrace the belief that life continues after death. During his first 35 years, he regarded himself as an agnostic, choosing to see life through the lens of "rational materialism." During this time, Bill was a stockbroker and a securities analyst on Wall Street. He had no interest in spiritual matters. He compared human bodies to flashlight batteries: "When the juice runs out, you throw the battery away. When you're dead, you're dead."

But in May of 1974, Bill experienced a spiritual awakening that would shape the rest of his life. Over the course of four months, he received spontaneous messages from the "other side" that challenged all of his beliefs. These messages (channeled automatic writing) consisted of short stories, philosophy, parables, and poetry all of which affirmed life after death for Bill, something he did not believe in prior to this.

Then, in 1977, Bill attended a week-long workshop with Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, which was a profoundly transformative process for him. During the years that followed Elisabeth's workshop, Bill focused on some of mankind's oldest and most profound questions: Is there life after death? Do we enter a new dimension or level of existence when our physical life is over? Will we be reunited with our family members and friends who have already died? Is it possible for our deceased loved ones to communicate with us now?

Based on his diligent research and his own firsthand experiences, he came to the abiding conclusion that “life and love are eternal,” and that death is merely a transition to a higher realm of continued existence. His long-time personalized automobile license tag beautifully and succinctly summed up his firm conviction about life’s purpose: “BE LOVE.”

Bill was a kind, compassionate and philanthropic soul, supporting several worthy causes and helping others out of pure altruism. He often sent books, CDs and DVDs as gifts to spread the gospel of peace and love, always endeavoring to lift spiritual awareness. He once described himself as “a lay minister,” and indeed he was, planting many fertile seeds during a lifetime of selfless service. Truly, the good he achieved in this world is incalculable. He touched many lives in countless ways, especially his closest friends, who year after year without fail, would receive thoughtful greeting cards from Bill every Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving, and every birthday too!

Candidly, despite knowing what we know about the afterlife, the death of Bill Guggenheim is a mind-numbing loss. His voice, his character and his generous spirit will be sorely missed.

Please extend your heartfelt condolences to the entire Guggenheim family, particularly Bill’s offspring (Maire, Will, Chris and Jon) with a loving reminder to expect many “hello from heaven” messages from their father. Bill’s other daughter, Jaenet, who tragically died in 2011 at the young age of 47, no doubt enjoyed a wonderful reunion with her father when he crossed over, likely joining several other predeceased loved ones and friends who came together joyfully in the realm of spirit to serve in his heavenly “Welcoming Committee.”

Bill had an amazing library, filled with an expansive collection of books about consciousness, spirituality and life after death. One of his favorite authors was Richard Bach. He loved Bach’s classic best-seller, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull.” It comes to mind here poignantly, especially the part where Jonathan is bidding farewell to his close friend Sullivan Seagull.

Sullivan is sad that he and Jonathan are parting ways in the story, so Jonathan attempts to cheer him up with a rather profound piece of advice. “Take away time and now is all that is left. Take away space and here is all that is left. So, Sullivan, in between the here and the now, don’t you think we will see each other often?” This same advice seems appropriate and helpful to soothe hearts made heavy with grief over Bill’s sudden departure. And although he lived for over 84 years, it surely seems that he left us much too soon.

We wish you Godspeed dear friend with the fullness of faith that we will indeed meet again, and again, and again.

For more information on near-death experiences, visit

For information about IANDS conferences, visit

A Systematic Review of Research on After-Death Communication (ADC)

'...Research Question 1: How common are experiences of after-death communication, and how does occurrence vary by gender, age, marital status, ethnicity, religious practice, religious affiliation, financial status, physical health, educational level, and grief status?...'

The results continue for many pages !! Here is a quote of the first paragraph:

'...Given the results on prevalence, it appears that approximately 30-35% or roughly a third of people have at least one ADC during the course of their lifetimes. Interestingly enough, the top five studies reporting prevalence were conducted in the U.S. It may be more accurate to say 30-35% of Americans likely will have at least one ADC in their lifetimes; however, given the systematic appraisal of the 35 ADC studies, it seems reasonable to conclude that this estimate could apply to the general population. This estimate could be a guideline for expectation of prevalence with the assumption that it will likely vary according to nationality. It is clear from the data that some differences exist among nations...'