Saturday, January 6, 2024

The Divine Presence

My personal paradigm:

ACTUALITY consists entirely of our intangible awareness, fundamental consciousness, which has existed forever as the Divine Presence. We are NOT created, we have co-existed for eternity in the Divine Presence as intangible awareness, a PROCESS of awareness.

REALITY consists entirely of tangible works of art, reified in a physical form by the power of our imagination, the intangible awareness.

PHYSICALITY consists entirely of a memory cloud which has NO PRECONCEIVED MEANING OR PURPOSE. Each observer of the physical reality has complete freedom to define their own identity and to define their own experiences.

- Anthony Chipoletti

Experiencing the Divine Presence is HOW WE LIVE OUR ACTUAL LIFE.

We create physicality by observing our TEMPORAL human experience.

Time, humanity, physicality are temporal observations that we create.

The Divine Presence is the ACTUAL way in which we have ALWAYS existed.

Humanity is a temporal existence which is within the physical world.

my opinion :)

the purpose of human dreams is to form a human memory...

our human dreams are there to remember our human life...

our spirit dreams have the same purpose as human dreams...

spirit dreams, including NDEs, remember our spiritual life...

NDEs happen during the human experience which is a dream...

everything in the human experience is a spiritual memory...

every human experience is an individual spiritual memory...

spiritual events never pause nor repeat and are eternal...

NDEs are memories of the one-of-a-kind spiritual events...   


aka = also known as

I had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [aka NDE]

I saw an AMAZING BRIGHT LIGHT = The Divine Presence BREATHED, I saw my spirit 

I felt like I was finally at home = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [aka home]   

Had a review of my human life = My brain showed me a movie of my human life

I was met by SPIRITUAL BEINGS = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [SPIRIT]

I could BE and SEE everything = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [BEING LIGHT]

I wanted to stay here forever = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [SEEING LIGHT]

Stuff in an NDE, ADC, STE, OBE = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [ALL ONE]


Consciousness is a massless waveform composed of photons.

It has existed forever. Photons do not age.

In the waveform, I am free from pain and physicality.

My comments and posts are only my opinions. 
They do NOT represent anyone else. 
They refer only to my own life. 
It is NOT my intention to change anyone's beliefs. 
I want to say I respect anyone's sincere beliefs. 
What I hope is that whatever anyone believes 
about their own life and how they identify 
themselves is done in complete freedom. 
And that same freedom is available to anyone.

    - Anthony Chipoletti

 I HAVE now 

and have always had 


to be LIVING



absolute goodness 

and lovingkindness



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Expose yourself to your deepest

fear; after that, fear has no power,

and the fear of freedom shrinks

and vanishes. You are free.

Jim Morrison

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I recently watched Alan Watts talk about how we think.

That there must be a subject which performs the action.

What we miss is that we are whatever the action is.

We are the process of being aware.

God is Breathing.

We are seeing God's BREATH as Light.

We are seeing and being the Light.

Seeing and Being Light is our ACTUAL Presence.

Divine Presence is an eternal waveform.

Being and Seeing the waveform is always happening.

Seeing and Being happens spiritually and physically.

There is the same Seeing and Being in both.

We are always in both the spiritual and physical.

We think we are only in one of them, in a place.

Humanity is remembering that we are spiritual.

Spirituality is dreaming that we are human.

'….None but ourselves can free our minds...' Marcus Mosiah Garvey

Saturday, April 25, 2020


'...Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last...' 
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

We should be grateful because in the act of giving thanks, we connect
 with something greater than ourselves. Recognizing the blessings we
 receive helps us cultivate a spiritual connection with the universe or a
 higher power, allowing us to feel part of something larger and more
significant. Gratitude is an expression of humility and acknowledgment
 of the abundance flowing into our lives, which opens us up to
receiving even more blessings and living in harmony with the universe. 

Christina Costa: How gratitude rewires your brain | TED Talk 

🦃🍁🍂Gratitude is your daily Calm today!🦃

“It is a loving act to take care of yourself so that you can live your best life. 

Before returning to your day take one final breath of gratitude for the gift of life.”

just say thank you

no matter to whom or for what

just say thank you
not a complicated thought
just say thank you
no matter who might hear
just say thank you
just for being here