Saturday, April 25, 2020


'...Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last...' 
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

We should be grateful because in the act of giving thanks, we connect
 with something greater than ourselves. Recognizing the blessings we
 receive helps us cultivate a spiritual connection with the universe or a
 higher power, allowing us to feel part of something larger and more
significant. Gratitude is an expression of humility and acknowledgment
 of the abundance flowing into our lives, which opens us up to
receiving even more blessings and living in harmony with the universe. 

Christina Costa: How gratitude rewires your brain | TED Talk 

🦃🍁🍂Gratitude is your daily Calm today!🦃

“It is a loving act to take care of yourself so that you can live your best life. 

Before returning to your day take one final breath of gratitude for the gift of life.”

just say thank you

no matter to whom or for what

just say thank you
not a complicated thought
just say thank you
no matter who might hear
just say thank you
just for being here