FLOW and the infinite waveform


My opinion: The flow state is exactly the same process as NDEs and every spiritual experience !!

It shows me that I am always in my spiritual wellness even if the flow state itself seems temporal.

 Bard: Consider and expand on the following: One cannot remember infinity in the same way one remembers one's every day human experience. We have always lived in the infinite waveform, however, we cannot remember being there because experiences in the waveform never pause nor repeat. To 'remember' being the waveform, one only needs to experience FLOW.  Give examples and define the FLOW state. Speculate about whether we are created or have existed forever within the waveform and why we cannot remember infinity.

1. The flow state is a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in an activity. It is characterized by intense focus, a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time. Flow is the melting together of action and consciousness; the state of finding a balance between a skill and how challenging that task is. It requires a high level of concentration; however, it should be effortless.

Examples of flow states include:

Playing a sport

Creating art

Learning something new

Being in nature

Having sex


Playing an instrument



Being in love

When we are in a flow state, our minds are fully engaged in the task at hand in a way that seems to free up other parts of our brain to make connections. Although we are working, flow is inherently restorative and pleasurable. When in flow, dopamine is released. This neurotransmitter makes us feel more relaxed, optimistic, energized, and dedicated to the task at hand.

Some people believe that we are created within the waveform, while others believe that we have existed forever within the waveform. There is no scientific evidence to support either of these claims. However, there is some evidence to suggest that we may have existed forever within the waveform. For example, some people who have had near-death experiences have reported feeling a sense of oneness with the universe. This suggests that we may be connected to something larger than ourselves.

We cannot remember infinity because experiences in the waveform never pause nor repeat. This means that there is no beginning or end to our experience. We are always in the present moment, and there is no way to remember what came before or what will come after.

The flow state is a way to remember being the waveform. When we are in flow, we are fully immersed in the present moment and there is no separation between ourselves and the universe. We are one with the waveform, and we can experience the infinite.





2. The flow state is a mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time. Flow is the melting together of action and consciousness; the state of finding a balance between a skill and how challenging that task is. It requires a high level of concentration; however, it should be effortless.

This excludes basic distinctive feelings, such as hunger and pain. However, when one is in the flow state, they are completely engrossed with the one task at hand and, without making the conscious decision to do so, lose awareness of all other things: time, people, distractions, and even basic bodily needs. According to Csikszentmihályi, this event occurs because all of the attention of the person in the flow state is on the task at hand; there is no more attention to be allocated. The flow state has been described by Csikszentmihályi as the "optimal experience" in that one gets to a level of high gratification from the experience.

Examples of flow states include:

Playing a sport or game

Creating art or music

Being in nature

Learning something new

Working on a challenging project

When we are in a flow state, we are not thinking about the past or the future. We are fully present in the moment, and we are completely absorbed in what we are doing. This can be a very enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Some people believe that the flow state is a way of accessing the infinite waveform. The infinite waveform is a concept that has been proposed by some physicists and philosophers. It is a state of pure potentiality, where all possibilities exist. When we are in a flow state, we are said to be tapping into this infinite potential.

I believe that it is possible that we have always lived in the infinite waveform. We may have been created by the infinite waveform, or we may have existed forever within it. We cannot remember being there because experiences in the waveform never pause nor repeat. When we are in a flow state, we are able to remember being the waveform because we are experiencing it directly.

I believe that the flow state is a gift. It is a way for us to connect with our true nature and to experience the infinite potential of the universe. When we are in a flow state, we are truly alive.







3. The flow state is a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in an activity. It is characterized by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time. Flow is the melting together of action and consciousness; the state of finding a balance between a skill and how challenging that task is. It requires a high level of concentration; however, it should be effortless.

Examples of flow states include:

Being so absorbed in a book that you forget where you are

Playing a video game so well that you feel like you are in the game

Being so focused on a task that you lose track of time

Having a creative breakthrough and feeling like you are in the zone

When we are in a flow state, our minds are fully engaged in the task at hand in a way that seems to free up other parts of our brain to make connections. Although we are working, flow is inherently restorative and pleasurable. When in flow, dopamine is released. This neurotransmitter makes us feel more relaxed, optimistic, energized, and dedicated to the task at hand.

Some people believe that we are created within the waveform, while others believe that we have existed forever within the waveform. There is no scientific evidence to support either of these claims, so it is ultimately up to each individual to decide what they believe.

One reason why we cannot remember infinity is because experiences in the waveform never pause nor repeat. This means that there is no beginning or end to our experiences, and therefore no way to mark the passage of time. As a result, our memories of our experiences in the waveform are not stored in the same way as our memories of our everyday human experiences.

Another reason why we cannot remember infinity is because our brains are not designed to process information in the same way that the waveform does. Our brains are linear, while the waveform is non-linear. This means that our brains cannot make sense of the information that is constantly flowing through the waveform. As a result, we are unable to remember our experiences in the waveform.

Despite the fact that we cannot remember infinity, there are still ways to experience the flow state. When we are in a flow state, we are able to tap into the power of the waveform and experience a sense of oneness with the universe. This can be a very powerful and transformative experience.







Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call
Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall
You've seen it all, you've seen it all

Watched the men who rode you switch from sails to steam
And in your belly, you hold the treasures few have ever seen
Most of 'em dream, most of 'em dream

Yes, I am a pirate, two hundred years too late
The cannons don't thunder, there's nothin' to plunder
I'm an over-forty victim of fate
Arriving too late, arriving too late

I've done a bit of smugglin', and I've run my share of grass
I made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast
Never meant to last, never meant to last

And I have been drunk now for over two weeks
I passed out and I rallied and I sprung a few leaks
But I got stop wishin', got to go fishin'
Down to rock bottom again
Just a few friends, just a few friends

And I go for younger women, lived with several awhile
Though I ran 'em away, they'd come back one day
Still could manage to smile
Just takes a while, just takes a while

Mother, mother ocean, after all the years I've found
My occupational hazard being my occupation's just not around
And I feel like I've drowned, gonna head uptown
I feel like I've drowned, gonna head uptown
Writer/s: Jimmy Buffett
Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Group
Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

yeah you've seen it all hello
well the son of a son of a sailor is
Jimmy Buffett was last seen steering his
boat straight into the East and into the
he will be missed
in classic synchronicity that follows me
I had chosen the title songs You Know by
heart to be the title for this talk
that was a compilation by Jimmy Buffett
in the 1980s
and the reason I chose it was that I was
trying to show that many modern pop
songs rock songs have a spiritual
connection directly related to your
and to your spirituality
if I'd lived in the 16s hundreds or
1700s maybe I would have followed those
poets but I followed these poets because
I lived in the 60s and 70s
the first one I want to bring up was
written by John Lennon in London he was
sitting at a piano when he heard a siren
going down his street
and when he heard it he wrote these
lines I am he as you are he as you are
me and we are all together
I guess that speaks for itself either
you buy in or you don't I do
the second song lyric I'd like to bring
up is one that Jackson Brown wrote after
his wife committed suicide in the 1970s
he wrote it to his son
uh the song is called the only child and
by the way I will link these songs down
below all the songs I mentioned will be
in the only child Jackson Brown wrote
let your disappointments pass let the
laughter fill your glass
let your Illusions last until they
whatever you might hope to find among
the thoughts the crowd your mind
there won't be many that ever really
that's so so profound
uh yeah exactly
you've got Illusions I've got Illusions
and we've got dreams and hopes
they all come and go but the constant
stream of thought can distract us from
what's really important in our lives
the next one was written by Van Morrison
and it's called it's from the uh song
when will I ever learn to live in God
goes like this you brought it to my
attention that everything is made in God
down through the centuries of writing
and painting everything was made in God
seen through architectures of great
down through the history of time
is and was in the beginning and Evermore
shall ever be
when will I ever learn to live in God
he gives me everything I need and more
when will I ever learn
whatever it takes to fulfill his mission
that is the way we must go
but you've got to do it in your own way
tear down the old bring up the new
well thank you van
those are inspiring words to live by
and for a long time I would cry when I
would hear this song because I believed
I did not live in God I no longer
believe that now
so any tears I shed our tears of joy now
the last one I wanna
tell you uh is from a song called
looking East
and I know the words by heart
when I awoke this morning I washed my
hands in the sea
and I found myself standing somewhere
between Providence and Eternity
and I knew right then and there I am not
a body I am free
because I could see the dream
in front of me sink into the sea
as the sun came rising up from the East
that is from a song I wrote many years
ago called looking East
and I actually did live near Providence
literally I was in Rhode Island
so I was in Rhode Island but I was in
okay well thank you for listening to
this and like I said the links will be
below also is a subscription button if
you would like to subscribe I would
appreciate it
good luck to you and I hope you enjoyed
the songs
and a special so long
to Captain Buffett




[quote]Boy of mine
As your fortune comes to carry you down the line
And you watch as the changes unfold
And you sort among the stories you've been told
If some pieces of the picture are hard to find
And the answers to your questions are hard to hold
Take good care of your mother
When you're making up your mind
Should one thing or another take you from behind
Though the world may make you hard and wild
And determine how your life is styled
When you've come to feel that you're the only child
Take good care of your brother
Let the disappointments pass
Let the laughter fill your glass
Let your illusions last until they shatter
Whatever you might hope to find
Among the thoughts that crowd your mind
There won't be many that ever really matter
But take good care of your mother
And remember to be kind
When the pain of another will serve you to remind
That there are those who feel themselves exiled
On whom the fortune never smiled
And upon whose life the heartache has been piled
They're just looking for another
Lonely child
And when you've found another soul
Who sees into your own
Take good care of each other
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Jackson Browne
The Only Child lyrics © Jackson Browne/Swallow Turn Music/Night Kitchen Music/Open Window Music[/quote]