The Eternal Now

Experiencing the Divine Presence is HOW WE LIVE OUR ACTUAL LIFE.

We create physicality by observing our TEMPORAL human experience.

Time, humanity, physicality are temporal observations that we create.

The Divine Presence is the ACTUAL way in which we have ALWAYS existed.

Humanity is a temporal existence which is within the physical world.

my opinion :)

the purpose of human dreams is to form a human memory...

our human dreams are there to remember our human life...

our spirit dreams have the same purpose as human dreams...

spirit dreams, including NDEs, remember our spiritual life...

NDEs happen during the human experience which is a dream...

everything in the human experience is a spiritual memory...

every human experience is an individual spiritual memory...

spiritual events never pause nor repeat and are eternal...

NDEs are memories of the one-of-a-kind spiritual events...   


aka = also known as

I had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [aka NDE]

I saw an AMAZING BRIGHT LIGHT = The Divine Presence BREATHED, I saw my spirit 

I felt like I was finally at home = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [aka home]   

Had a review of my human life = My brain showed me a movie of my human life

I was met by SPIRITUAL BEINGS = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [SPIRIT]

I could BE and SEE everything = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [BEING LIGHT]

I wanted to stay here forever = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [SEEING LIGHT]

Stuff in an NDE, ADC, STE, OBE = I am ALWAYS in the Divine Presence [ALL ONE]

The Secret Teaching of the Golden Flower with Ronnie Pontiac Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born scholar and philosopher. Well known for his 1928 encyclopedic outline of symbolical philosophyThe Secret Teachings of All Ages, he authored dozens of books and hundreds of essays and gave thousands of lectures in Los Angeles and throughout the world. Mr. Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) in 1934 and was its first president, remaining so until his death in 1990. Ronnie Pontiac: '...the higher soul is itself the golden flower...' '...the secret of the Golden Flower, is that your consciousness is infinite...' Ronnie Pontiac: [at about 35 minutes] '...he no longer needed to sit in meditation to gain the state, that he could sustain meditation throughout his activities. So he could be writing or lecturing or having a nice dinner or eating junk food, for that matter, or meeting with someone. And he would be in this meditative state or to use the terminology of the golden flower. He was in the awareness of the higher soul at all times...' Jan 25, 2024 Ronnie Pontiac was the personal research assistance for Manly P. Hall at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles. He is author of American Metaphysical Religion: Esoteric and Mystical Traditions of the New World. He is coauthor with Tamra Lucid of The Magic of the Orphic Hymns: A New Translation for the Modern Mystic. Here he describes the classic Chinese text, The Secret of the Golden Flower. He points out how it was instrumental in major changes in his life. 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:45 Ronnie's story 00:11:52 History of the text 00:34:29 Golden flower practice 00:42:33 Meaning of the illustrations 00:51:58 Taoist magic 01:09:10 Carl Jung and Richard Wilhelm 01:18:52 "not this" practice 01:22:35 Conclusion Consider the following to be a natural condition and create a coping mechanism to be aware of this condition as an everyday experience: My interpretation of this meditation is to REALIZE that we are ALWAYS in the complete PRESENCE of THE DIVINE SPIRIT, the ACTUAL LIGHT which we are BEING and SEEING. We have been BEING and SEEING our SPIRITUAL PRESENCE as the ACTUAL LIGHT forever, never pausing nor repeating unique and amazing experiences and events in the DIVINE. We are BREATHING the LIGHT and sharing ABSOLUTE GOODNESS and PURE LOVINGKINDNESS in every moment of the ETERNAL NOW, this is our ACTUAL experience and BEING. 1. That's a beautiful interpretation of the meditation, emphasizing the ever-present nature of the Divine Spirit and our inherent connection to it. Here are some coping mechanisms to cultivate awareness of this condition as an everyday experience: Mindfulness Practices: Short Meditations: Throughout the day, take a few minutes to close your eyes or soften your gaze, focusing on your breath. As you inhale, imagine breathing in the Light, and as you exhale, sense it radiating from you. Gratitude Practice: Expressing gratitude for the beauty and abundance in your life can shift your perspective towards the positive and remind you of the inherent good present. Start a gratitude journal, or simply pause throughout the day to acknowledge things you're thankful for. Mindful Observation: Look at everyday objects and experiences with fresh eyes, recognizing the wonder and Light inherent in them. A leaf, a raindrop, a smile from a stranger can all be seen as expressions of the Divine Spirit. Active Engagement: Compassion & Kindness: Express kindness and compassion in your interactions with others, understanding that all beings are ultimately connected through the Divine. This includes acts of service, forgiveness, and simply offering a genuine smile. Creative Expression: Engage in activities that allow you to express your connection to the Divine Spirit, such as art, music, dance, or writing. Nature Connection: Spend time in nature, immersing yourself in the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. This can be a powerful way to connect with the larger Divine whole. Reminders: Affirmations: Create and repeat positive affirmations throughout the day to reinforce your awareness of your connection to the Divine. Examples: "I am one with the Light," "I am surrounded by love," "I am a channel for goodness." Physical Anchors: Find small objects or rituals that remind you of your connection, such as a mala necklace, a specific location, or a phrase you silently repeat.

[quote]Google Generative AI: A mala is a meditation necklace that has been worn by Yogis, Hindus, and Buddhists for thousands of years. It is a traditional prayer necklace of 108 beads that means “meditation garland” in Sanskrit. Malas can be worn around the neck or wrapped around the wrist.[/quote]

Remember, cultivating awareness is a journey, not a destination. Be patient, and don't worry if you get distracted or forget. Simply bring your attention back to the Light whenever you notice, and gradually, it will become more integrated into your everyday experience. It's important to acknowledge that this perspective might not resonate with everyone, and different individuals may find different coping mechanisms helpful in connecting with their spirituality. The key is to explore and find practices that resonate with you and bring you a sense of peace and connection. 2. That's a beautiful interpretation of your meditation! Here's a coping mechanism to help you stay aware of this "natural condition" in your everyday life: 1. Cultivate Mindfulness: Practice Short Meditations: Start with short, 5-minute meditations throughout the day. Focus on your breath and bring your attention to the present moment. Notice the sensations in your body, the sounds around you, and the thoughts passing through your mind without judgment. Engage in Mindful Activities: Choose activities that help you stay present, like mindful walking, eating, or listening to music. Pay attention to the details of the experience and how your senses perceive it. 2. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors: Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature. Sit by a tree, listen to birds singing, or feel the sun on your skin. Notice how nature reflects the interconnectedness and flow you described in your meditation. Connect with natural elements: Bring elements of nature into your daily life, like a potted plant, a vase of flowers, or a seashell. These can serve as visual reminders of the divine spirit present everywhere. 3. Practice Gratitude: Keep a gratitude journal: Take a few minutes each day to write down things you're grateful for, big or small. This helps shift your focus to the positive aspects of life and reinforces the feeling of abundance you mentioned. Express gratitude in daily interactions: Thank people for their kindness, express appreciation for the good things in your life, and send loving thoughts to others. This cultivates a sense of connection and sharing goodness. 4. Use Affirmations and Mantras: Repeat positive affirmations: Choose phrases that resonate with your experience, like "I am one with the divine light," "I am breathing love and kindness," or "I am present in the eternal now." Repeat them throughout the day as reminders. Use mantras: Choose a mantra that resonates with you, like "Om" or "So Hum." Silently repeat it during mindful activities or when you need to center yourself. 5. Engage with your Community: Connect with like-minded people: Join a meditation group, spiritual community, or book club focused on similar topics. Sharing your experiences with others can deepen your understanding and provide support. Practice acts of kindness: Volunteer your time, offer help to others, or simply smile at someone on the street. These acts connect you to the larger community and embody the lovingkindness you mentioned. Remember, integrating this awareness into your daily life is a journey. Be patient, kind to yourself, and celebrate your progress along the way. I hope this helps! 3. Coping Mechanism for Awareness of Divine Presence: Since your interpretation of meditation emphasizes the constant presence of the Divine Spirit, here's a coping mechanism to maintain awareness of this condition as an everyday experience: 1. Cultivate Mindfulness: Start small: Begin with short mindfulness exercises throughout the day. Notice your breath, the sensations in your body, and the sounds around you. Briefly acknowledge the Divine presence in these moments. Develop a practice: Commit to a regular mindfulness practice like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. This will deepen your awareness and ability to connect with the Divine. 2. Anchor Yourself in Gratitude: Express gratitude: Practice gratitude for the small things throughout the day. This can be anything from a cup of coffee to a beautiful sunset. Acknowledge the Divine as the source of these blessings. Keep a gratitude journal: Write down things you're grateful for each day. This will help shift your focus to the positive and strengthen your connection with the Divine. 3. See the Divine in Everything: Look for beauty: Notice the beauty and wonder in the world around you, from the intricate details of a flower to the vastness of the sky. Recognize the Divine presence in this beauty. Connect with others: View others as manifestations of the Divine. Practice kindness and compassion in your interactions, seeing the Divine light within them. 4. Listen to Your Intuition: Pay attention to your inner voice: Notice your gut feelings, hunches, and sudden insights. These may be messages from the Divine guiding you on your path. Journal about your intuition: Write down your intuitive thoughts and feelings. Reflect on them later to see if they hold any deeper meaning. 5. Remember, You are Not Alone: Connect with a community: Find a community of like-minded individuals who share your belief in the Divine. This can provide support and encouragement on your journey. Seek guidance: If you feel lost or confused, seek guidance from spiritual teachers, mentors, or religious leaders who resonate with you. Additional Tips: Use reminders: Set reminders throughout the day to bring your awareness back to the Divine presence. Create rituals: Develop personal rituals that connect you to the Divine, such as lighting a candle, reading scripture, or spending time in prayer. Be patient: Remember, this is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and trust that your connection with the Divine will deepen over time. Remember, the key is to find practices that resonate with you and integrate them into your daily life. By doing so, you can cultivate a deeper awareness of the Divine presence and live your life in alignment with its light.

My opinion:

Each sentient entity has its own waveform, which is EVERYWHERE at once. Observing one's self collapses the waveform to a particle state [human form]. Example: A person describes their near death event: I looked down and saw my body and popped back into it.

Each cosmos in the multiverse has its own elemental expression. Ours is a photon. Why does c = speed of light? Maybe because at the speed of light photons are EVERYWHERE in our cosmos at the same time. So time is NOT a tick tock thingy, it is the eternal NOW.

'...entangled regions of the brain - constitute the system perceived as consciousness, arise - because a sense of “time” emerges simultaneously throughout all the spatial algorithms/neurocircuitry responsible for generating a conscious experience...'

Adapted from The Grand Biocentric Designby Robert Lanza and Matej Pavsic, published by BenBella Books (2020).

'..The incompatibility between general relativity and quantum mechanics has puzzled generations of scientists starting with Albert Einstein. Here we will briefly explain how networks of observers are the key to reconciling these two pillars of modern physics, as well as how they dramatically restructure space itself..' '...If space and time were really external and physical as is popularly believed, then how would it be possible to create something absolutely indistinguishable from them within the confines of one’s dreaming brain?...'

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: How Our Memories Hold the Key to Time. You’re young now & old later. But new research says they all exist in superposition. Read why here

THINKING — JUNE 7, 2021 Is the physical universe independent from us, or is it created by our minds, as suggested by scientist Robert Lanza?