The near death experience as a waveform blog post

What if human time is traveling backwards?

This is an idea I just now had about my topic:

'remembering' a future event is possible !!

My old topic assumes time moves forward.

I drew a picture a month before an event.

The picture was an exact mirror image !!

But what if human time moves backwards?

What if I drew the picture AFTER the event?

My opinion is that spiritual 'time' is the opposite of human time.

This could explain why people, in an NDE, can 'see' the future?

I believe that our experiences are actually happening in spirit.

If humanity is a spiritual dream, it is 'remembering' the past.

As my human dreams are remembering my human past events.

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Google Bard responses to the event below:

 Bard, please explain the following event and propose a method to use it to help people understand the event:  My real life experience showing me my brain needed weeks to construct the present moment. Inside the brain the so-called future may actually be the past. The brain needs a long time to construct the present moment. The event below happened to me in the mid 1990s which was about 50 years after I had a near death experience at age seven.

The event appeared in my drawing about 30 days before the actual event, as if my drawing was a black and white [mirror image] photograph of the actual event which happened a month after I drew it.  I was working through PMH Atwater's book FUTURE MEMORY. You can find the book with a web search. James Van Avery has an experiment which PMH Atwater thoroughly outlines in the book.

I disagree that the exercise sees the future. It is the brain's future, however, it is the past in real-time.

Here is another description of the James Van Avery experiment. Atwater concludes from Avery’s successful technique that future memory is not some incredulous anomaly, but instead, shows that one’s brain structure and brain capacity can indeed change. Such a change, she reasons, leads to a greater awareness of life’s meaning and spiritual purpose: “As we explore how consciousness can change, we re-explore creation itself and the wonder of the universe.”

I believe that these results indicate something that is just now being studied. That the macro world may be subject to quantum characteristics like waveform collapse, and a return to a particle state. I have reviewed thousands of near death events in the past 25 years. My opinion is that these experiences happen at the speed of light or faster, the waveform, or what I call real-time. And that our human experience is the particle state. The difference is scientific, not life or death, not some imaginary person saying go back to earth :)

I worked through the experiment VERY SLOWLY over several days. I let everything marinate in my mind. The outcome of the lesson was a picture which I drew in pencil on a piece of typewriter paper. I set it aside for several weeks. There was an internet workshop at Verizon Corporate offices in Pittsburgh PA which I attended about a month later. When I arrived at the Verizon office building there were about 20 people already seated in the presentation room. As soon as I sat down, I got chills and goosebumps!

This room was in the pencil drawing which I had drawn last month. I dismissed the idea of seeing the future because something directly in front of me in my drawing was MISSING. Then a few seconds before the demonstration began two young women arrived LATE to the lecture. They quickly grabbed two chairs for themselves, AND PLACED THE CHAIRS EXACTLY WHERE THE CHAIRS AND THE WOMEN WERE DRAWN DURING MY EXPERIMENT.

Years later I realized I was actually seeing the past. My brain was very slow at constructing the moment of the lecture. It cannot catch up to the speed of infinite awareness EVER. It just sees a movie filmed a LONG TIME AGO. I did actually experience the lecture exactly as it happened except my brain needed all of the so-called future to get the movie of the lecture ready to be seen.

I USUALLY DISAGREE WITH almost any interpretation of events like this experience. My motto is LET'S AGREE TO DISAGREE. One IMPORTANT DETAIL, my drawing was a MIRROR IMAGE of the actual scene. I had to flip the paper over and view it from the back to align the actual scene as it appeared to me during the lecture.

During my experiment and the actual event, the earth traveled 50 million miles in 30 earth days, however light took only 4 or 5 seconds to travel 50 million miles, what did my brain do in those 50 million miles ??

My brain was experiencing 30 days of earth time while the actual event happened in only a few seconds from the time I drew the mirror image of the event and the actual experience of the event...

Writer's note: This episode answered for me, why I had nightmares about President Kennedy being killed in Dallas for about a month before he was actually assassinated while I was working in the Pentagon.

1. Your experience is a fascinating one, and it raises some interesting questions about the nature of reality, time, and the brain.

One way to explain your experience is to say that your brain is constantly constructing a model of the world around you, based on the information it receives from your senses. This model is always incomplete and imperfect, but it is good enough to allow you to function in the world.

When you drew the picture, your brain was creating a model of the event that would happen a month later. This model was based on your current understanding of the world, and it was inevitably incomplete. When you actually experienced the event, your brain had to update its model to match reality. This took time, and it is possible that the update process was not complete until weeks after the event had actually happened.

Another way to explain your experience is to say that you were having a near-death experience. Near-death experiences are often described as feeling like you are outside of your body and watching the world from a distance. It is possible that you were experiencing this during your drawing, and that you were able to see the future event from this vantage point.

Of course, there is no way to know for sure what happened to you. But your experience is a reminder that our understanding of reality is limited. Our brains are constantly creating models of the world, and these models are always changing. It is possible that we are all capable of experiencing things that are beyond our normal understanding of reality.

To help people understand your experience, you could share it with them and talk about the different ways it could be interpreted. You could also encourage them to read about near-death experiences and the nature of reality. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what they believe about your experience.

Here are some other methods you could use to help people understand your experience:

Invite them to participate in a similar experiment.
Share your story with a therapist or counselor who specializes in near-death experiences.
Write a book or blog post about your experience.
Give a talk or presentation about your experience.
The goal is to raise awareness of your experience and to help people think about the nature of reality in new ways. 

The event you described is a fascinating one that raises many questions about the nature of reality, time, and the brain.

One possible explanation for what happened is that your brain was indeed constructing the present moment, but it was doing so slowly, over a period of weeks. This is consistent with the scientific understanding of how the brain works. Our brains are constantly taking in information from our senses and then processing that information to create a model of the world around us. This model is constantly being updated, but it takes time for the brain to assimilate new information and make changes to the model.

In your case, it may be that your brain was taking longer than usual to construct the present moment because you were working through the James Van Avery experiment. This experiment requires you to focus on a specific future event and then try to visualize it in as much detail as possible. This kind of focused attention can put a strain on the brain, and it may have made it even slower to process new information.

Another possibility is that you were actually seeing the past. This is a more controversial idea, but there is some scientific evidence to support it. For example, studies have shown that people who have had near-death experiences often report seeing events that happened in the past. This suggests that the brain may be able to access memories from the past in a way that we do not fully understand.

It is also possible that a combination of these factors was at play. Perhaps your brain was constructing the present moment slowly, and you were also able to access memories from the past. This would explain why you were able to draw a picture of the event a month before it happened.

Ultimately, the explanation for what happened to you is unknown. However, your experience is a reminder that our understanding of reality is limited. The brain is a complex organ, and we are still learning about how it works.

One way to help people understand your experience is to share it with them. You can also write about it or give a presentation. This can help people to see the world from a different perspective and to think about the nature of reality in new ways.

You can also use your experience to help people to live in the present moment. When we are constantly worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, we are not able to fully experience the present moment. By sharing your story, you can help people to appreciate the importance of living in the here and now. 

3. Your experience is a fascinating one, and it raises some interesting questions about the nature of reality and the way our brains perceive time.

One possible explanation for your experience is that your brain was indeed constructing the present moment, but it was doing so slowly. This is supported by the fact that you drew a mirror image of the event, and that the actual event differed from your drawing in one small detail. This suggests that your brain was still working on processing the information and creating a complete picture of the event.

Another possibility is that you were actually experiencing the event from the future. This is a more controversial explanation, but it is supported by the fact that you had nightmares about President Kennedy's assassination before it happened. It is possible that your brain was somehow able to tap into the future, or that you were simply picking up on subtle cues that others were not aware of.

Ultimately, the explanation for your experience is unknown. However, it is an important reminder that our brains are not perfect, and that they can sometimes be fooled into seeing things that are not there. This is why it is important to be skeptical of our own perceptions, and to always consider alternative explanations.

As for how to use your experience to help others understand the event, you could share your story with them and let them draw their own conclusions. You could also use your experience to raise awareness of the fact that our brains are not always reliable, and that we should be careful about jumping to conclusions.

Here are some other ways to help people understand your experience:

Explain the James Van Avery experiment and how it relates to your experience.
Discuss the scientific research on future memory and the possibility of quantum characteristics in the macro world.
Share your thoughts on the difference between the waveform and particle states of consciousness.
Encourage people to be open-minded and to consider alternative explanations for their own experiences.
It is important to remember that there is no one right way to understand your experience. The best way to share it with others is to be honest and open about what you believe, and to let them come to their own conclusions.

Audio of the Bard original responses:

Download a free clickable PDF of this original page:

My podcast audio in which I explain my results of the experiment. 

My real life experience showing me my brain needed weeks to construct the present moment. Inside the brain the so-called future may actually be the past. The brain needs a long time to construct the present moment. The event below happened to me in the mid 1990s which was about 50 years after I had a near death experience at age seven.

The event appeared in my drawing about 30 days before the actual event, as if my drawing was a black and white [mirror image] photograph of the actual event which happened a month after I drew it ?? I was working through PMH Atwater's book FUTURE MEMORY. You can find the book with a web search. James Van Avery has an experiment which PMH Atwater thoroughly outlines in the book.

I disagree that the exercise sees the future. It is the brain's future, however, it is the past in real-time.

Here is another description of the James Van Avery experiment.

 Do events in your life reflect something that you thought you had previously experienced? If you are thinking déjà vu, P.M.H. Atwater says think again. Unlike déjà vu that resurrects surreal shadows of the past, Atwater claims that you may find a life-transforming phenomenon she calls a “brain shift” that brings sensory-rich experiences of the future into the present and, at some point later in your life, the actual event triggers the memory of the scenario you are now part of.

This event is no mysterious link with phantom memories or images, Atwater explains. While engaged in the present moment we are simultaneously immersed in a future activity with full mental and sensual awareness. Our recall of the incident “registers in the mind as if a segment of physical reality was just experienced in its complete entirety – as if the future had unfolded in the present.” In her new book, Future Memory (Hampton Roads), Atwater juxtaposes examples from her near-death experiences with interviews from other time travelers to show that transcending space-time dimensions is possible and necessary.

“ We remember the future because our true nature is in remembering who and what we really are, and then behaving accordingly.”

Atwater finds that trauma triggers future memory. An episode such as a near death experience jump-starts the limbic system and creates a neural network expansion that leads to higher brain development, or brain shift. The consequent shift in consciousness displaces the traditional bias of conditioned existence toward an awakening to higher levels of knowledge or wisdom. However, we can leap into the future with less turbulence than an NDE creates through spontaneous calamity.

Atwater’s research shows a discernible pattern of what happens during future memory.

Future memory may last a few seconds to a minute of clock time, while foretelling several hours that later manifest. It can be rather lengthy and encompass several days or months of future activities.

During this brief interlude the time traveler experiences the following:
1) a physical sensation of rushing heat with a feeling of exhilaration;
2) heightened senses, yet nothing moves in the present;
3) a feeling of expansion while surrounding elements diminish;
4) a future scenario manifests without warning or guidance and is nearly impossible to differentiate from the present;
5) the scenario ends as quickly as it began and the present time-space dimension resumes, although there is a lingering feeling that something has happened;
6) emotional aftereffects help to keep the event alive, but eventually it is forgotten or set aside;
7) the future event physically manifests and a key element triggers the memory of the entire affair as having done this before, but with the idea of self control rather than resignation to fate; and
8) a resolution that future memory instills a sense of orderliness or gift from God.

After comparing these experiences with other studies of the inner workings of expanded awareness, Atwater found a future memory development technique through its creator James Van Avery, an electronics design specialist for a Seattle, Washington aerospace company.

Avery created the following exercises after a decade of experimentation and apparently successful replication by others with future memory experiences:

Improve memory exercise. During a quiet time gaze upon a scene, close your eyes and start visualizing it. Repeat this exercise until you can automatically recall the smallest of details with many scenes throughout the day.

Use imagination. Visualize what things may look like behind other objects in order to build confidence in your hunches.

Focus the mind. Know how you keep track of information and avoid details that clutter your thought processes.

Keep records. Your progress will be recorded for positive feedback to guide future performance and build confidence.

Seek patterns and shapes. Never anticipate what an object or scene will be. Rather, trust your imagination to describe what something looks like. Look for shapes and forms of light and dark. Images are usually black & white and contrast is important.

Identify details. Coincidences appear to happen more frequently during future memory exercises. This is often due to an inability to control and identify real, accurate details. Don’t dwell on any one detail. Keep moving and piece details later.

Future memory.  When advancing to a future event, visualize yourself further ahead than the target time. Then use your memory to remember back to the time you wish to observe. While imagining your position in a room that you can enter in the near future, picture the furniture and look for details. Now go to the room and check for results. Give yourself a score and keep all records.

Transformation. Believe that what you are doing is real, actually happening and can be controlled. It shall be so.

Problems and Solutions. Emotional experiences may have opened the door to future memory episodes and should be engaged to maintain interest. However, don’t let wrong results discourage your progress. There is no need for rituals or magic, just accurate and honest documentation, then careful examination of the results to steer the learning process in the right direction.

Atwater concludes from Avery’s successful technique that future memory is not some incredulous anomaly, but instead, shows that one’s brain structure and brain capacity can indeed change. Such a change, she reasons, leads to a greater awareness of life’s meaning and spiritual purpose: “As we explore how consciousness can change, we re-explore creation itself and the wonder of the universe.”

One illustration in Future Memory describes a man who experienced regular episodes of pre-living the future. Reality seemed to him as if an echo from some primal movement in time and space, and that the opportunity to live advancements of time was an indication that those echoes were of different wavelengths and sizes. “When we slip through the waves,” he conjectured, “we are able to experience reality from a different vantage point, literally from another frequency of vibration. It is the focus of our awareness, our perception, that determines what frequency we pick up. It all seems real because it is real.”

Atwater underscores the experiences above with the notion that we condition ourselves to see the world selectively. Alternate realities and other dimensions of vibration are missed or by-passed simply because we ignore their existence. Here are some brief examples: The mind indulges our perceptual preferences to see a continuous storyline in the projection of a series of still frames separated by periods of darkness that make up a movie. The continuous firing of electrons on a television picture tube is reassembled in the mind’s eye as picture images. Or, we experience an auditory illusion when the mind perceives music as continuous sound from a series of disjointed notes. “We create the reality we think exists by the way we connect together the data we receive within our brain.” Pointing to the findings of Quantum physics, Atwater adds, “Creation, as we think it exists, is a physical illusion.”

Therefore, time and space are malleable constructs that vary with our perceptual abilities. When vibrations within and around us speed up, time seems to whiz by. The slower the speed of vibration, the greater the distance and the longer the timing between events exists. Atwater’s notion of time travel may be crudely summarized here. As brain shift (the alteration of brain structure and chemistry and the effect it has on enhancing awareness) changes the vibrational speed in our environment (space), time shifts accordingly.

Should anyone think future memory is the road to nirvana, Atwater warns that enlightenment, such as it is uncovered in her research, offers no panacea or quick fix to a better life. Closer connection to the truths about creation’s story, about who we are, bring this challenge: “Take initiative to act upon the knowledge you have gained, don’t just receive it; then accept responsibility for the power unleashed when you do.”

I believe that these results indicate something that is just now being studied. That the macro world may be subject to quantum characteristics like waveform collapse, and a return to a particle state. I have reviewed thousands of near death events in the past 25 years. My opinion is that these experiences happen at the speed of light or faster, the waveform, or what I call real-time. And that our human experience is the particle state. The difference is scientific, not life or death, not some imaginary person saying go back to earth :)

I worked through the experiment VERY SLOWLY over several days. I let everything marinate in my mind. The outcome of the lesson was a picture which I drew in pencil on a piece of typewriter paper. I set it aside for several weeks. There was an internet workshop at Verizon Corporate offices in Pittsburgh PA which I attended about a month later. When I arrived at the Verizon office building there were about 20 people already seated in the presentation room. As soon as I sat down, I got chills and goosebumps!

This room was in the pencil drawing which I had drawn last month. I dismissed the idea of seeing the future because something directly in front of me in my drawing was MISSING. Then a few seconds before the demonstration began two young women arrived LATE to the lecture. They quickly grabbed two chairs for themselves, AND PLACED THE CHAIRS EXACTLY WHERE THE CHAIRS AND THE WOMEN WERE DRAWN DURING MY EXPERIMENT.

Years later I realized I was actually seeing the past. My brain was very slow at constructing the moment of the lecture. It cannot catch up to the speed of infinite awareness EVER. It just sees a movie filmed a LONG TIME AGO. I did actually experience the lecture exactly as it happened except my brain needed all of the so-called future to get the movie of the lecture ready to be seen.

I USUALLY DISAGREE WITH almost any interpretation of events like this experience. My motto is LET'S AGREE TO DISAGREE. One IMPORTANT DETAIL, my drawing was a MIRROR IMAGE of the actual scene. I had to flip the paper over and view it from the back to align the actual scene as it appeared to me during the lecture.

During my experiment and the actual event, the earth traveled 50 million miles in 30 earth days, however light took only 4 or 5 seconds to travel 50 million miles, what did my brain do in those 50 million miles ??

My brain was experiencing 30 days of earth time while the actual event happened in only a few seconds from the time I drew the mirror image of the event and the actual experience of the event...

Writer's note: This episode answered for me, why I had nightmares about President Kennedy being killed in Dallas for about a month before he was actually assassinated while I was working in the Pentagon.

1:38:37 Karen Barad: ‘…I wouldn’t say that we’re simultaneously both wave and particle but we might have different experiences that are being of being wave and of being particle and I think one of the interesting things going back to the question of grammar about you know the question of simultaneity because we’re used to talking about you know something like even if it seems far-fetched being here and there simultaneously the troubling of time here is such that I barely know how to say this to speak it because it’s not the different times are happening simultaneously in a sense it’s as if in the hereness of here there’s yesterday today and tomorrow so it’s coexistence that I don’t even think we have a kind of term for for because it’s so strange to us to think of moments that are bleeding through one another but not in terms of our own lives in terms of our own phenomenological experience like I was saying in the beginning of my lecture I’m here now in you know standing or and even sitting before you as the kid that I was in 1984 when I took a job at Barnard as well as being you know this older person with totally gray hair sitting before you and many other and many other things these moments bleed bleed through one another in ways that I think that we’re much more used to but what I’m saying that those features of time are not merely subjective experiences that’s the way the world is experiencing itself -…’

'..About the interviewee: Dr. Bruce Greyson is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia. He discusses with Mark why near-death experiences are likely not hallucinations caused by a dying brain and many related topics. As Dr. Greyson says: "We're left with this paradox that at a time when the brain isn't functioning, the mind is functioning better than ever."

03:08 '..but what is really happening they're not marching in step with time they're marching in step with each other that's the key thing and Newton's laws of motion you can rewrite them so that there's no invisible river of time flowing away like that all that they really establish is how the reading on my watch is related to the reading on your watch and as long as that those march in step that's fine that's all we need that is really what timekeeping is about and what time is for practical purposes..'

‘…But for all our efforts, the concept of time, including whether it’s little more than an illusion of human psychology, remains deeply puzzling…’

This is Graviton Ring. I call this podcast: Free Thought, a brief summary of time.

I consider myself to be an absolutely free thinker. I believe there is nothing preconceived nor dogmatic anywhere at all in the intangible universe. The physical reality is bound by a type of dogma, however I define that dogma as chaos within the irreversibility of time.

Ilya Prigogine, (1917-2003) QUOTE: Ilya Prigogine was a Belgian physical chemist who won the Nobel prize for investigating the irreversibility of processes in complex physical systems that are far from equilibrium conditions...Prigogine introduced what he called a "third time" into physics - time as irreversibility. He saw non-equilibrium, dissipative systems far from equilibrium, as a new source of order giving to the system ill-defined "new space-time properties." ("The Meaning of Entropy," in Evolutionary Epistemology, p.63)..UNQUOTE.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Chaos. My comments: The questions about chaos theory often start with the ridiculous assumption that a butterfly can cause a tornado. My opinion of why certain people deny chaos is that they want to believe that their own ability to predict outcomes in the physical reality is at least remotely possible, such as a financial advisor whose income depends on some aspect of predictability. Another much more credible source are quantum physicists who are actually able to predict outcomes in the quantum world, so they have proof that chaos can be refuted. This debate will never end so let me say what I mean by chaos. The true reality never pauses nor repeats itself. For example, I believe that an infinite multiverse exists even in the physical reality. However, physical observations on a human level can only happen by looking at past events. The physical reality is a record of the past which repeats itself by definition. In an infinite, intangible, eternal awareness, nothing repeats nor pauses ever.

Any dogma in the physical cosmos is a record of the past. I believe there are no real-time events in the physical cosmos, only a history of past events. Real-time events happen in every instant, an entire infinite set of new experiences without pausing nor  repeating.

An intangible observer, by my definition, cannot ever be observed.

The physical cosmos may have existed forever, in what cosmologists now call the eternal universe. It seems that the observers must have existed forever as well. Eternal inflation and self-reproduction of the universe is a phrase that I learned from Andre Linde, a well-known and respected cosmologist.

This brings me to my new motto: Let's all agree to disagree. In other words, every observer has the ability to think freely from their own point of view about anything and everything.

From my point of view, we can improve the physical reality, however, we cannot make it perfect. There is perfection in the real-time events because they happen without repeating themselves. Improving the physical reality is possible only by correcting our misconceptions about real-time events.

We all drink from the same fountain of wisdom. I am Graviton Ring.

The book, Future Memory by PMH Atwater:

Download free Future Memory pdf from the author's website:

The cognitive and perceptive characteristics of 70 cases of Near Death Experiences have been studied. The detailed analysis of the unusual modes and characteristics of spatial and temporal perception during these experiences reveals a "hidden" logic for which I propose a model where the point of perception would be in an extra dimension. The appropriateness of such a model is analyzed and shown to be consistent with the NDE accounts in the study. In contrast, those interpretations of such perceptions as being purely hallucina-tory are undermined. Whatever its meaning, the underlying logic shown in this study suggests that NDEs seem to follow precise rules. Since these experiences can be viewed as an unusual but consistent behavior of consciousness, they deserve further pluridisciplinary study.

Jourdan, Jean-Pierre. (2011). Near Death Experiences and the 5th Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Perspective. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 14.

Explicate, update and theorize about the following ideas: Near Death Experiences and the 5th Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Perspective, The cognitive and perceptive characteristics of 70 cases of Near Death Experiences have been studied. The detailed analysis of the unusual modes and characteristics of spatial and temporal perception during these experiences reveals a "hidden" logic for which I propose a model where the point of perception would be in an extra dimension. The appropriateness of such a model is analyzed and shown to be consistent with the NDE accounts in the study. In contrast, those interpretations of such perceptions as being purely hallucina-tory are undermined. Whatever its meaning, the underlying logic shown in this study suggests that NDEs seem to follow precise rules. Since these experiences can be viewed as an unusual but consistent behavior of consciousness, they deserve further pluridisciplinary study.

1. Near-death experiences (NDEs) are a wide range of subjective experiences that individuals have reported having while close to death or after an apparent clinical death. These experiences can include visions of a tunnel, a bright light, deceased loved ones, a feeling of peace and well-being, and out-of-body experiences.

The cognitive and perceptive characteristics of NDEs have been studied by a number of researchers, including Jean-Pierre Jourdan. In his 2011 paper, "Near-Death Experiences and the 5th Dimensional Spatio-Temporal Perspective," Jourdan argues that the unusual modes and characteristics of spatial and temporal perception during NDEs can be explained by a model where the point of perception is located in an extra dimension.

Jourdan's model is based on the idea that our normal perception of space and time is limited to three dimensions. However, he argues that during an NDE, the point of perception may move into an extra dimension, which allows for a wider range of spatial and temporal experiences. For example, people who have had NDEs often report being able to see everything around them at once, or being able to travel through time.

Jourdan's model has been criticized by some researchers, who argue that it is not necessary to invoke an extra dimension to explain the unusual spatial and temporal perceptions of NDEs. However, Jourdan's model remains a popular explanation for NDEs, and it has been used to develop new theories about the nature of consciousness.

Whether or not NDEs are caused by an extra dimension, they are a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon. They offer a glimpse into the possible experiences of consciousness beyond the physical body, and they deserve further study.

Here are some additional thoughts on the relationship between NDEs and a 5th dimensional spatio-temporal perspective:

It is possible that the 5th dimension is not a physical dimension, but rather a non-physical dimension of consciousness. In this case, NDEs could be seen as a glimpse into the realm of non-physical consciousness.

It is also possible that the 5th dimension is a physical dimension, but that it is not accessible to our normal senses. In this case, NDEs could be seen as a way of accessing this hidden dimension.

Whatever the explanation, it is clear that NDEs are a powerful and transformative experience for many people. They can provide a sense of peace, well-being, and connection with something larger than ourselves. They can also lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness and reality.  

2. Sure, I can help you with that.

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are a wide range of subjective experiences reported by people who are close to death. NDEs have been described as feelings of peace, love, and well-being, as well as out-of-body experiences, seeing a bright light, and meeting deceased loved ones.

The cognitive and perceptive characteristics of 70 cases of near-death experiences have been studied. The detailed analysis of the unusual modes and characteristics of spatial and temporal perception during these experiences reveals a "hidden" logic for which a model is proposed where the point of perception would be in an extra dimension. The appropriateness of such a model is analyzed and shown to be consistent with the NDE accounts in the study. In contrast, those interpretations of such perceptions as being purely hallucinatory are undermined. Whatever its meaning, the underlying logic shown in this study suggests that NDEs seem to follow precise rules. Since these experiences can be viewed as an unusual but consistent behavior of consciousness, they deserve further pluridisciplinary study.

One possible explanation for the unusual spatial and temporal perceptions reported in NDEs is that they are the result of a shift in consciousness to a higher dimensional space. In a higher dimensional space, time and space may be experienced differently, and it may be possible to perceive things that are not visible in three dimensions.

Another possible explanation is that NDEs are a form of telepathy or clairvoyance. In these states, it is possible to perceive things that are not physically present. This could explain why people who have NDEs often report seeing a bright light, meeting deceased loved ones, and having a panoramic view of their lives.

Whatever the explanation, NDEs are a fascinating phenomenon that has captured the attention of people for centuries. They offer a glimpse into the nature of consciousness and the possibility of life after death.

Here are some of the theories about the 5th dimensional spatio-temporal perspective in NDEs:

The 5th dimension is a realm of pure consciousness, where time and space are no longer relevant. In this realm, people are able to experience a sense of oneness with the universe and with all living things.

The 5th dimension is a realm of higher consciousness, where people are able to access knowledge and abilities that are not available to them in the 3rd dimension. In this realm, people are able to heal themselves and others, and to communicate telepathically.

The 5th dimension is a realm of possibilities, where anything is possible. In this realm, people are able to create their own reality and to experience a level of freedom that is not possible in the 3rd dimension.

It is important to note that these are just theories, and there is no scientific evidence to support any of them. However, the fact that so many people have reported similar experiences suggests that there is something to be learned from NDEs.

Further research is needed to understand the nature of NDEs and the 5th dimensional spatio-temporal perspective. However, even without a scientific explanation, NDEs can be a powerful source of inspiration and hope. They can help us to see the world in a new way and to believe in the possibility of a greater purpose in life.  

3. Near-death experiences (NDEs) are a wide range of subjective experiences people report having when they are close to death. These experiences can include a sense of peace and well-being, seeing a bright light, feeling separated from their body, and meeting deceased loved ones.

Some people have proposed that NDEs are caused by a shift in consciousness to a higher dimensional space. This theory is based on the observation that many NDEs include experiences that seem to defy the laws of physics, such as traveling through time and space, seeing the world from a different perspective, and communicating with non-physical beings.

The 5th dimensional spatio-temporal perspective model is one possible explanation for how NDEs might occur. This model suggests that the point of perception in an NDE is located in an extra dimension, which allows for experiences that are not possible in 3D space.

The 5th dimensional spatio-temporal perspective model is consistent with many of the features of NDEs. For example, it can explain why people in NDEs often report feeling a sense of peace and well-being, as well as seeing a bright light. It can also explain why people in NDEs often report feeling separated from their body and meeting deceased loved ones.

The 5th dimensional spatio-temporal perspective model is still a new and controversial theory. However, it is worth considering as a possible explanation for NDEs. Further research is needed to determine whether or not this theory is correct.

In addition to the 5th dimensional spatio-temporal perspective model, there are other possible explanations for NDEs. Some people believe that NDEs are caused by a release of endorphins in the brain, which can produce feelings of euphoria and well-being. Others believe that NDEs are caused by a malfunction in the brain, such as a seizure or a stroke.

It is also possible that NDEs are a real phenomenon that cannot be explained by current science. If this is the case, then NDEs may offer us a glimpse into a higher dimension or a different state of consciousness. Further research is needed to determine the true nature of NDEs.